Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chase Maddox

Well we've been home for almost two weeks and it's been great having Chase with us finally! I'll tell you, life hasn't slowed down since he's been born, in fact I would say it's gotten even more crazier. We are right in the middle of baseball season and that is busy enough without a newborn baby! But he fits right in and just tags along with us where ever we may go!

Now that is a sturdy table...

Cadence is so happy to be a big sister. She does "Big Sister Jobs" such as throwing diapers away and giving him his pacifier! Her helpfulness only lasts so long, she's already told us that she is "Mad at doing big sister jobs!!!"

There's nothing like cuddling with a new born baby!

Look at that sweet little face!!!

Cadence is still the apple of his eye, but I'll tell you Ski is so proud of his son! He's great at showering them both with attention!


Brandi said...

Aww Beck he is truly a cutie!!! You will have to let me know when you are up this way again.

Jamie Favreau said...

How cute!!

Glad to see the family together and I love the big sister jobs which get old! LOL!

Teresa Kristek said...

He is so adorable, Becky! What's Phil's tatoo for Chase going to be? Mikey puts dirty diapers in the trash for me too...then lingers in the can, playing :P Your family is so beautiful. I hope we can find time to get together this summer :)