Well the next day the X-ray showed that the spot was still there - no bigger, no smaller. We were under the impression that they weren't really worried about it and their next major concern was his eating. It seems that he is a very sleepy baby and when he gets a bottle he only eats like 10cc before falling asleep. He also doesn't know how to suck, swallow, and breath at the same time so he panics and starts breathing really heavy. So we had to start force feeding him basically. In the mean time, he also became jaundice and needed to go under the lights.
I was released from the hospital without him because we really have no idea when they are going to let him go. We thought he would be going home tomorrow (Easter Sunday) but learned that the doctors decided it would be better to put him on the full course of antibiotics for 7 days to make sure that he did not have pneumonia. More of a precautionary thing. His breathing has gotten a lot better now that he is learning to eat but he still can't stay awake for his feedings. He starts off really good and then just falls asleep and he's done. They have a feeding tube in his nose also. They want a minimum of 45cc at each feeding. Whatever he doesn't drink on his own gets fed through the tube. That is pretty much where we are today. Ski and I have been running back and forth to the hospital 2-3 times a day for feedings and we are exhausted.
We are also trying to get kids to baseball, and all the other things we have going on in our normal life as well as making Easter happen this year for Cadence. It's been a little stressful but Ski and I have each other and we are a great team so we are making it happen. We also have a great support group of friends here that have been helping us out a lot with the other kids. Shannon, Anthony, Ken and Amber - We really appreciate it!!!
As I was being wheeled down to the car in the wheelchair last night after I was discharged I was sad as I realized that I left the hospital without BOTH of my boys when they were born. But just as Matt fought and made it, Chase will too and we will all be back together again soon. Below are some pictures I took of him today at his feedings.
Here he is under the bili lights. His blood work showed he is doing better and doesn't need to be under the lights anymore!
Ski is a pro at feeding him now. The nurses taught us a few tricks to get him to eat and he got him to eat 42cc today at his afternoon feeding. I was so impressed at how good he was at it!
Girl those boys are fighters like their mama!! They definitely have your fight in them! Sorry you had to go home without him, but good thing you noticed something was off! I will keep him in my prayers and he is just so handsome!!
Aww. Becky I truly know how it feels to leave the hospital without your child. I did it twice also. I know Chase will be ok, and be able to come home with you and the family soon. Well your in my thoughts.
Wow, Becky! You are so strong and amazing for just having given birth. I really admire all your energy.
You and Phillip are making this a GREAT Easter for your children, and that is so wonderful! Wish I could be there to help (and add to the stress by throwing my two girls into the mix!!!)
You look great, Chase is adorable, and I *love* Daddy's T-shirt in the pictures of him feeding and burping Chase! :)
Happy Easter to you all!
Im sorry it's been such a battle so far! It will get easier!
I am sorry you aren't having a smoother ride with your boys. It is good you noticed things were off and thank you for the updates.
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