Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Chase Update: He'll be home soon!!!

Well, Chase is a week old today and there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! The spot on his lungs is gone and he's been eating great ever since we started feeding him every 4 hours. He's been eating 55 - 60cc at a time. It was like a different baby over night! Here is a picture of him and his big sister together yesterday. I have yet to get a picture of the four of them together. The hospital isn't the best place for a photo shoot! So far there has only been one time where Cadence has been jealous. She didn't want her dad to hold him at the hospital today because she wanted him to hold HER. The fact that she had no nap didn't help matters at all. She could care less if I hold him though. Daddy's girl, what can I say!

I've also included a video of "Miss Thing" doing the Cadence Show to her favorite song "Had a Bad Day!" This girl loves to put on a show I'll tell you! Just watch all of those facial expressions!


maria said...

aww her dancing was very cute....glad he gets to come home soon

Chuck said...

Man she is growing so fast... and a way better singer than Ski!!!

Carissa said...

OMG you are in so much trouble!!!! What goes around comes around Phil!

Kimmi said...

I just can't believe how much she has grown since those days at the ball park. I am so happy for you all and Chase is a beautiful baby boy!