Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The holiday season!

This year I was so excited for Christmas! Cadence is at the age where she finally understands and gets excited about Santa and also, we were going to be home with all three kids this year. Usually the kids go with their dads because they don't get very much time with him beside the summer. Our holiday season was filled with parties and friends and more parties and more friends.

This was Ski's squadron Christmas party. She couldn't wait to see Santa and tell him that she wanted Scooby Doo presents. The whole time she waited in line to see him she just stared!!! Over the course of the last month we've had to have Santa call a few times to let Cadence know that he could see her when she wasn't eating her dinner or when she didn't want to go to bed. She'd always get so upset if she thought Santa was going to be mad at her!!!

Abby, Cadence and Hannah - the daughters of workcenter 690's SNCO's.

Now that Matt is officially a Pvt in the Young Marines he's done some pretty cool things. Back in November during veterans day he went to Washington DC to visit all the monuments and to go to the Marine Corps Museum. For Christmas they were in the annual Havelock Christmas Parade.

Here is Cadence sitting on the curb waiting for the parade to start. She wanted to get a good seat so that she could get lots of candy!!! The sun was in her eyes!!! Of course you can't keep that thumb out of her mouth either.

Once the parade started she was up on her feet racing to get candy. We didn't bring anything to put it in so she used my camera case. It was a little awkward but it worked!!!
The Marine Corps band marching by! Cadence yelled "The Marines!!!! Just like my daddy!!!" She was so excited.

Here come the Cherry Point Young Marines!

Matt is in the back - the one who's bearing needs a little work STILL!!!

The kids wanted to do something special for our families who are far away from us in other states. So when school got out for Christmas break we took a day and made a bunch of crafts to send to them!!!

They all worked so hard and did a great job!

We had a great holiday season and look forward to Christmas day being just as great!!!!

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