Not only is it Christmas but it is also Jacqui's twelfth birthday. Lets not go into how old that makes me feel. Next year she is going to be a teenager. Oh but don't think that it hasn't already started. She and I were shopping for clothes the other day and in the middle of the store I had to stop and call my mom to apologize to her for all the times I drove her crazy trying on clothes! I'll show Jacqui something I think she might like and she just gives me "the look" like I have no clue what fashion is. I can tell you that I'm being paid back in full. My mom of course just laughed.
Really hard.
I didn't find it quite so funny! Damn that mothers curse!!

Look how grown up and beautiful she looks!

Every year - and I mean EVERY year - I even out all the kids gifts between the kids and then I remember "Oh - Jacqui's birthday" and I have to readjust the budget.

She mostly just wants clothes now a days. And shoes. Lord knows her foot grows faster then I can keep up with. Her MawMaw in Texas sent her some shoes for Christmas and they were size 8.5 - they barely fit. I think she's probably got about a month or two before she outgrows them!!!! So much for sharing shoes - I'm only a 6.5! Next she's going to be taller then me too!

Can't remember what exactly she got - but as you can see she is a little excited. I think it was an ITunes gift certificate for the new IPOD she got for Christmas. Either that or money to buy the new phone she wants to upgrade to.

So here we are - another year, another birthday. This time TWELVE. Doesn't seem possible. Could someone please tell me how this...

turned into this...

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