After my Grandma died, my Aunts and my mom started getting together every Wednesday for "girls night." We are all really close and we sit and talk, play games, make fun of each other, eat dessert - which they take turns bringing each week. During the holidays we have girls night Christmas in which we get each other gifts and have dinner together. On birthdays we do the same thing. This week it was my sisters 21st birthday. Before everyone got there for girls night we took her to "Logans" for dinner. We all got a drink - a Jammin' Strawberry. My sister took maybe three sips. My mom downed hers but that is because she is a closet alcoholic - you know I had to throw that in there ma! :-) This week my Uncles also came to girls night because I was there.
Happy Birthday Mega Megs!

My mom scraping the candle wax off the cake because the candles weren't of the highest quality!

Megan at Logan's with her first "legal" drink!

The restaurant saying Happy Birthday to her!

It's Megan's birthday - so Genie has to get her big old head in there too!

My dad and Cadence! He comes to all the Craig family functions and my mom always goes to the Mader family functions. We aren't like most families of divorce.

Aunt April and my mom - leaving Aunt DeeDee off the bench again!

Uncle Bill and Uncle Shawn

Alex, Tam and Kyla

Megan with the Shaw my mom made her. She made one for me for my wedding and she wanted to make one for Megan too before her hands got too bad with arthritis.
that was a very exciting night. i never heard uncle shawn laugh so hard at me in the project. shame!!!
thank you for makeing my 21st a memberal one
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