Our house has morphed into a Christmas miracle! (and by miracle I mean a couple ornaments on the tree, a candy dish and a snow globe!) Our poor tree only has ornaments from about the middle and up. Cadence Evelina likes to take them all off and run around the house with them. One ornament in particular has this tiny little button small enough for her to push and in turn Elvis breaks into the song "Burning Love" over and over (and over) again. She stands there smiling and shaking her little butt to the tune! Unfortunately she is in the stage where everything she sees must be picked up, carried around, thrown on the floor, stepped on or used to hit the dog so most of my Christmas decorations are staying safely hidden away in the garage until next year when she knows a little better. The kids did a good job on the tree despite the 50 arguments they had in the process...I swear I've never seen two people fight over the smallest things. Oh yeah, Christmas spirit FILLED the room. In the end we were all pretty happy with the tree. I had fun seeing all the little ornaments and school projects the kids had made me through the years.
Me: "Matt look at the cute wreath you made me two years ago!"
Jacqui: "It's stupid! Mine's better!"
Matt: "Shut up Jacqui!"
Here is a look into our magical moment!

I'm sure you can tell what a "big helper" she was! It was her job to put the Christmas cards in the bucket!

My three little angels!
1 comment:
aww thats just to cute
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