As usual we are keeping ourselves very busy around here these days. The kids are both in baseball this fall and their games are on Sundays. Ski can't pull himself away from ESPN, college football, or the Tigers Games. Jacqui also just started playing the flute, which is also the same flute that I played and then Genie played and then Megan played. I can't believe that flute is almost 20 years old. Cadence is into EVERYTHING and her personality is certainly starting to shine through more everyday. There is no mistaking when that girl gets mad or wants something. She's definately a Wisniewski!!!! As for me I'm just trying to go to school and keep it all organized! Hope all of you are doing great! Here are a few pics of us over the last few weeks.
Me and Caders on Coronado Beach.

Matt and Ski watching the Tigers Game together.

Jacqui playing the flute - the night before band class, she was so excited she couldn't sleep!

Ski scaring the baby with our halloween decorations. He also scares Jacqui and Matt with it too - he'll hide it in their room and they will find it and scream! You should all yell at him!!!!

Jacqui coloring a picture that she drew.

This was picture day. Matt came down wearing this crazy outfit. He said "I don't care what I look like! They will only take a picture from the neck up!"
that is mean - scarind caders with the halloween decorations.
what are the kids going to be for halloween?
Matt is going to be Mike Myers from the movie Halloween. (Cadence HATES his mask) Cadence is going to be a little bumble Bee. We haven't gotten Jacqui's costume yet.
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