It's been a great Halloween!!! Friday I took the kids to USD college to trick or treat at the dorms and then they also had a carnival in the gymnasium where they could play games and win candy. Saturday we went to a Halloween party - Jacqui won the contest for the best (little) girls costume. Ski totally pulled off "Gilligan" - for some reason it didn't even cross our minds that I should have been Ginger or Mary-Anne!!! It was a long day at Party City that day and we just weren't thinking!!! Today they had a costume parade at the school. Jacqui was too cool to wear hers to school but Matt did. We had a blast taking them trick or treating. It was the first time Cadence went since she was only about 12 days old last year. We had a huge group trick or treating with us. Amy, Derek and their kids, Rob Denise, her parents, and their friends and all of us. Here are some pictures of the last few days!
Trick or Treating at University of San Diego dorms

The Carnival at USD

Matt decorating a Halloween Cookie. His friend Roy is next to him.

The Halloween Party!

My Three babies - Ski kept telling Jacqui to take her mask off!

Cadence didn't like the hat very much but did a great job keeping it on all night.

"Okay, What do I do now?"

"Trick or Treat!!!"

This guy was scaring everyone - Matt was running in circles screaming "Help! Help!"

Jacqui's friend Ashley

Amiee (Ashley's Mom) and Dylan

Our neighbors Rob and Aidan, with Ski and Cadence!
what was jacqui? - ski and you are a bunch of dorks.
oh how come i only get to be ashley's mom :(
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