"I wonder if she has a diaper on yet!"
I know it seems silly that that would even cross my mind. I really didn't care if she had a diaper on or not, nor did I care if she pee'd on me in the event that she didn't have on a diaper - that was just one of the first things that I thought of. I felt like she was this sweet innocent baby that had been inside me - a part of me - for so long and it didn't seem right to put a diaper on her just yet. I wanted to hold her close to me to keep her a part of me even longer and that diaper kind of symbolized the separation that she was her own person.
So here we are 10 years later, on her 10th birthday. (I'm thankful now that we are past the diaper stage!) She has grown into an amazing person and I wanted her to know the 10 things (in NO particular order) that I love most about her!!!!
1. The girl can dance! She can hear the first note of a song and that is enough to get her started! Sometimes I'm relieved we don't own a stripper pole because of some of the moves I see this girl try!
2. She is very athletic. (This part of our DNA is clearly not shared.) At 10 years old she has already been part of a football team, a cheerleading team, a dance team, and two little league teams. One time we were roller skating and they announced all girls 9 and under go out to the center of the rink for the races. She was one of the first girls out there. Had that been me, you would have found me in line for nacho's!
3. She makes me laugh! Not just me either - she loves to make everyone laugh. Whether it's a smart remark, a funny face or a gesture, she knows how to put a smile on my face. Especially when I am upset about something.
4. I can totally count on her. Unfortunately for her, that means she gets a lot of responsibility. From watching Cadence, to chores, to just helping me in general I know I can count on her to get the job done. If she doesn't know how to do something she doesn't give up either. She keeps trying until she figures it out. I love that ambitiousness!
5. She makes me food!!! On the weekends when I am studying or taking tests, if she is making herself lunch she always offers to make me something! Her specialty is Ramon Noodles and knows just how I like them.
6. Our alone time together! She and I usually end up shopping together. Either grocery shopping or the mall or to the NEX to get something quick. (Most of the time she comes because she knows she can sucker me into buying her something!) Either way, we have fun on these shopping sprees. They usually end up with us having lunch together - and not telling the boys! We laugh and talk about everything! It's very special to me!
7. I can talk to her. She and I have some of the best conversations together. About everything...boys, school, friends, family - etc. She teaches me things I never knew nor did I think she knew. She remembers peoples names, things she read in books, movies, directions. (In fact, there are many times I have to ask her if she remembers how to get somewhere because I am so directionally dysfunctional!) Sometimes I swear she's got a photographic memory!
8. Her individuality. Jacqui has a style of her own. She isn't a girly girl but she isn't all tom boy either. She will wear Matt's clothes one day and a skirt the next. She plays sports but then she also plays the flute. She's just Jacqui, doing what she wants, when she wants (it's the "when she wants" part that gets her in trouble most of the time! She likes to pick the most inconvenient times to "do her own thing."
9. Her helpfulness. She might not jump up and down about doing her chores at home but when it comes to helping other people, she goes way out of her way. For the last couple weeks she has helped her teacher every single day after school. She helps me with Cadence on a daily basis. She (grudgingly) helps Matt with school or his room or reading. I don't know what I would do without her sometimes because like I said before, I can always count on her.
10. She makes fun of me. If anyone knows my family, that is just what we do! Anything that comes out of your mouth can be used against you and made fun of! (Usually it is my mother who finds herself the butt of our jokes!) I am proud to say that my daughter has joined the ranks of a long line of daughters in our family that have been making fun of their mothers for many years.
Here is my oldest baby through the years!

I love you baby and Happy 10th Birthday! Can't wait till you get home! We will go get our ID's together!