This year, Jacqui and Matt just painted their faces and threw on some costumes from the past - which was fine with me because have you see the cost of costumes these days??? Cadence however went back and forth between being Daphene from Scooby Doo or a Skeleton.

She called herself "Bones"

My three little devils.

We went trick or treating with almost every kid on our cul-de-sac...

Cadence and MacKenzie couldn't keep up with the big kids but they had more fun on their own anyway!

Every house had steps like this and it took the little kids forever to get up and down them to get their candy - they were bound and determined to do it though! After every house Cadence would ask her dad "Are we going to get more candy now?"

She also kept trying to eat every piece she got!

The older kids...

They were always atleast 2-3 houses ahead of us!

Kyle (our neighbor) thought it would be funny to pretend to steal Matt's bag - Ken and Ski thought it would be funny to beat him and his friends up in the middle of the street.

Trick or treating was harder then she thought it was!

A group photo!

Ken and Amber

Here they all are waiting for Ken and Ski to go get the car - it was freezing!!!

Matt asking if he can eat a Baby Ruth because he already checked it for needles and poison!

Cadence and Jacqui trading candy. Why do I have a feeling that Cadence is getting cheated out of something just because he's 3 and Jacqui's 11?
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