Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just some pictures of everyday life!

Not too much to report down here in the South. There's nothing like having a blog and having nothing to write about! That's some good quality reading right there!!!
But I thought I would post some pics anyway. It's what I do best - just be thankful I got smiles instead of the usual "Hurry up and take the picture!" look. Such sweet kids...

Even if Jacqui and Matt can't stand the site of each other, I'm glad they love their little sister!

And Cadence...lately she loves Peanut Butter. Her dad decided to just give her the entire jar and let her eat it with her hands. He'll go that extra mile for his daughters nutrition!

Oh and friends, THIS is what we had greeting us outside our front door the other night. I wanted to step on it. Ski had other plans.

He wanted to catch it and look at it under the microscope at work. Have fun with that one!


Anonymous said...

gross bugs

redisgr8 said...

cadence's hair is getting so long. I want to post to my blog but all of the words are in kanji. And i cannot figure out how to change it.

Anonymous said...

Cadence is getting big.

Did Ski manage to do what he was set out to do?