Monday, September 24, 2007

Punt, Pass, and Kick competition

Did I mention that there was nothing to do in this town??? Well, honestly that is an understatement. However, I'm actually enjoying not having anything to do. Life is slower here. But it was nice to get the kids involved in something. Havelock had a Punt, Pass and Kick competition. You know you can't keep my kids off the football field. Especially Jacqui...

Well, they did their best and...

Matt placed third!!! Great job buddy! Maybe next year we'll be here to sign you up for football in time!

And because Jacqui is the luckiest girl on earth when it comes to winning things, she got first prize in her age group...for pretty much just showing up. She was the only girl in the whole competition which automatically gets her first place in the girls 9 and 10 age bracket.

She'll be moving on to sectionals next month. We have a lot of work to do on her punt, pass and kick abilities!


Anonymous said...

congrats matt and jacqui

redisgr8 said...

aww sports always find your kids. yeah tell the kids good job! and say hi to cadence

Anonymous said...


Sounds like fun!