Sunday, March 11, 2007

Little League Starts again!!!

So here it is, baseball season again. When we signed both kids up in the beginning, Ski had decided that he wanted to take it easy this year and was going to start coaching the minor team that Jacqui played on. He had been coaching the Rookies - and loved every minute of it - but he was ready to move up to an age that had an attention span for more then an 1/8 of a second. He didn't want to do anything else except coach. Well somewhere along the line our plan made a slight detour and we are up to our ears in little league. Ski is Managing Matt's rookie team, coaching Jacqui's minors team, he's a volunteer umpire, and he's on the little league board as the field maintenance guy (cause he loves to drive the tractor) I am the team mom for Matt's team and helping as team mom for Jacqui's. Needless to say, we live at the fields.

This weekend it was hot in a ridiculous way for the month of March. I think it was almost 90 degree's and the kids had a shoot out tournament to play in. Starting at 0800 on Saturday morning they played 50 minute games (25 minutes of batting and 25 minutes of fielding.) With us having two teams, we were literally playing almost hourly with a few breaks in between. It was so hot and the kids all had on long pants, socks, t-shirts and caps. Even in the heat they gave 110% of themselves and we were all very impressed with their teamwork! Cadence also did especially well for having to stay in the stands for 7 hours straight, two days in a row. I gave her water bottles to play with and she drank them and poured them on herself and stayed cool that way. It was a very fun, exhausting weekend though. Here are some of the pictures!

Ski and Chuck - Ski manages the Hooks Rookie team and Chuck helps him coach, and Chuck manages the Storm Minors team and Ski helps him coach.

Yes - Matt is hitting off of a Tee but he isn't on Tee Ball. For some reason on that field EVERYONE - including the majors teams - had to hit off of that stupid tee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww i hope the kids are playing when i come there - i want to see a game.