So if anyone knows anything about me, they know that I wait till the
very last minute possible to do something. (This includes things I may or may not have known about for SEVERAL months) Doing the banner for Matt's little league team is no exception. Two days before the opening ceremony for the teams, this banner was still just an idea floating around in my head. My biggest hurdle - I didn't know how to draw, and I knew even less about using a sewing machine - both key elements in getting this banner done. But as usual, with the help of Chuck and Kristi, (and one very LONG sleepless night) I was able to get it drawn (THANK YOU CHUCK) sewn, stuffed, and painted just in the knick of time. It was all totally worth it though because our banner got 1st place in the Rookie division banner contest!
Figures, I do almost all of the sewing, but someone takes HIS picture while he sews on ONE baseball! However, this isn't something you see everyday, my husband at a sewing machine!

Our banner - I still have a little painting to do on it though, I couldn't finish the names because it wouldn't have been dry in time for the parade. We had to settle for a white paint pen!

They surprised the kids with a game where the coaches played and the kids coached them. It was so funny to watch these guys acting like the kids always do. Here is Ski...

While Ski played in the game, Matt was too cool to hang out and watch with his mom, he had to go play ball with the older boys on the other field.

Meanwhile Jacqui found a bunch of boys to play wall ball with.
1 comment:
well it wouldnt be you if you didnt wait until the last minute to do something - oh like "i have to wash my hair" but the banner looks good.
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