On my way up to get my diploma...
Me and my mom! Her and Ski went in together and got me a mothers ring as a graduation present and they gave it to me the night before so I could have it when I graduated!
It was so hot that day so we got a babysitter for Chase but the rest of the fam was there to see me and support me!
Later that night Ski had a party for me. He even remembered to get me a cake! What a great guy!
Of course Shannon my sister wife was there. Since Anthony is on deployment, this is Ski's second wife!
My graduation is complete! My mother is playing Beer Pong with 3 Marines!!!
Yeah, I don't know...
Not sure how I got roped into it, but I ended up playing too! Me and Matt beat them!!!!
Thanks for everything Ski! You've been so supportive! All those long nights of homework, and days where you had to take care of things cause I had deadlines I had to get things turned in by! I couldn't have done this without you! I love you!
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