Last night we knew that there was going to be at least a two hour delay at the schools because of the weather and a possible school closing. Jacqui and Matt were mad that they still had to go to bed at a reasonable time. I at least let them watch TV in bed and I can tell you they were both asleep within a half hour so I wasn't the MEANEST mom in the world - they were tired!!! Cader and Ski decided they wanted to camp out in the living room because Ski had the day off today!
Below is their camp out. They lit my candle on the table for a campfire and told scary "monster" stories (my favorite book!) and even had out a flashlight because you can't go camping without a flashlight.

About 6:30am we got a call that the schools were officially closed today so I turned off my alarm clock and went right back to sleep! It isn't everyday that I get to sleep in! Unfortunately, my husband had better plans and was up at 8:30am ready to go. I wish I had HALF his energy in the morning!!!
Around noon this is what it looked like around here and everyone started to get excited!

Jacqui couldn't decide if she wanted to go outside but once she saw the entire Cul-De-Sac out there playing she had to get involved.

We even let Cadence skip her MUCH NEEDED nap to go play in the snow. Oh she was so excited!

However, she wasn't too crazy about her hands getting cold and cried to her Daddy who is her hero and he made it all better!

Jacqui and Chelsea pretending to throw a snowball at me!

She knew better then to throw it at me and redirected it at the last minute!

Here is everyone playing and wrestling and having a great time in the snow. It's been so long since we've seen snow and we had to dig DEEP for warm coats and clothes!!!

Matt tried to get Chelsea with a snowball but my poor son always ends up getting over powered!

Now we are all inside in warm clothes, drinking hot chocolate, and making Magic Cookie Bars.
Once again good job on the blog. Although your pictures look a little far away, you could have gotten a little closer if you weren't so afraid of the cold weather.! Love you
I wish we had that option of digging deep to for our winter clothes. WE have been stuck in this crap for the past month it seems. Not too cool. We are expecting more snow too and we are running out of places to put it.
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