But let the records show - when it comes to being sympathetic towards pregnancy, he leaves a lot to be desired.
Before he married me, he really hadn't had much experience with pregnant women. I mean, he went from living with his dad and Kathy in a town of approx 3000 people, to living with a bunch of Marines in the Barracks. Not too many opportunities to rub elbows with many pregnant women! However, after getting to know him and his personality, I realize that there is nothing that could have prepared my husband for the wonderful 4o weeks of pregnancy. He's more of a "You wanted to be pregnant so you shouldn't complain" type of person. I'm more of, well, the complete opposite! Especially when I can't breath or sleep or roll over or move because you better believe when this man is sick, we all hear him complain about it. Over and over again!! But, don't be too hard on him. Even though he may roll his eyes and make stupid comments sometimes, he still does everything he can to help me so I don't over do it!
That being said, I'm sure you can all imagine the huge smile on my face when he and I went to a baby class today and he got to wear the empathy belly. A 35 lb, lead filled belly that simulates some of the symptoms I go through on a daily basis. The weighted belly, the feeling of being off balance, the compressed breathing. It was a big fat "I told you so" wrapped up in a cute little simulated belly that, unfortunately, still had bigger boobs then I do at 8 months pregnant!
Below are some of the most priceless pictures I've ever taken...
Where can I get one for Chad?
Too bad he doesn't have to wear one for the next few months....
I bet that class was a blast! aww good for you guys always doing things together. I miss ya
Theres something women like a about a pickup...ummm errr.. Man who wears fake bellies??? It just wont make a good country song.
Phildo might as well get used to it that is what happens when you reach "50".
Looking Good Ski... He has bigger boobs than I did too at 9 months... but the belly is about the same size!!! I love the shaved had, it adds something to the look! Love Ya, see you and baby ski in a month!
Babe your a great blogger! I had an awesome time with you at the class and I now know a little bit about what it is like to be pregnant from your view. Thanks for showing me the way!
Ski is so sweet. How long did he have to wear it? Just wondering. That is great!
You look like that you both had fun. It is great that they have these opportunities to let the husband experience just a little bit of what we go through. I think they should have to wear it for at the minimum of a full day. They could then feel how difficult it is to sleep especially if you sleep on your stomach.
Again, I love reading your blogs. I agree with Ski, you are a great blogger. Keep up the fantastic job. I am so excited to read about when you have the baby.
Wow! I think that is awesome! But Mike always said he had it worse carrying over 100 lbs of gear in the desert while I was pregnant with Mikey...guess he's got me there. It's so great that Phil was so on board with trying to empathize with you :) Good job, Ski!
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