Well I've made it to my own little milestone! I'm 28 weeks and 5 days pregnant. That is the day in my pregnancy when I had Matt and he turned out just fine. So far, there have been no problems with this pregnancy but in the back of my head, both this time and with Cadence, I felt that sigh of relief when we hit that mark! I can't wait to see what a little boy of mine will look like at full term! Matthew, my preemie, looked like a cute little old man who I instantly fell in love with. In the mean time, here is a recent picture of my ever expanding belly. I carry my babies very low and it's so uncomfortable to walk, sleep, sit, ...MOVE. But it's all worth it! It'll especially be worth it when Ski and I go to a Daddy's baby bootcamp class next month and he gets to wear a weighted pregnant belly in order to see what it's like for me to carry around all this extra baggage. Don't you worry - you'll all get to see it also because you know I won't forget my camera that day!
Congrats! I want to see Ski in the maternity wear! That would rock is he going to look like Arnold Swartenager in that movie? I forgot which one.
Bring it on, you ain't going to here me complaining like all you women do during this whole time. Actually maybe I can blog on mine about that...a poll maybe..."oh I want to have a baby let's get pregnant" that is the first quote right fellas....then..."oh this sucks, I'm so big, my back hurts, my neck hurts, I can't do this or that"....blah blah blah. Here is an idea, don't ask to pregnant!!! So I say again bring on the fake belly, I can't wait, I laugh in the face of the heavy belly.
Love you babe.
Now that you have made this public announcement about pregnancy, I have this to say. If you get orders to the drill field, I better not hear one single tiny complaint about being tired, or sore, or stressed out, or hungry, or your neck hurts, or your back hurts, or you haven't slept in days - blah blah blah - nothing at all because here's the thing YOU asked for the orders and YOU put in a package to become a drill instructor! (Insert sarcastic smile here.) Love you though baby and I support you 100% - Bring on the smokey bear cover!
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