Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween 2007

I know - it's been a week and I'm just now posting Halloween pics. That is what complete laziness does to a person!!! We had a good Halloween though. Everyone decided at the last minute what they were going to be. Well Cadence pretty much had no choice in the matter. She was not to impressed by Elmo being on her head at all. Jacqui wanted to be a boy but then she realized that her daily outfits usually involve her brothers clothes anyway and it just wouldn't be that much of a costume! She went as a baby instead. I told her that her daily attitude usually involves being a baby too so that wouldn't be much of a costume either. She didn't find my humor very amusing. We tried to get Matt to wear an "Afro" wig and go as a girl but he refused. So Ski wore the wig instead. The man will do anything for candy! Matt put together two different costumes and well, I'm not really sure what you would call him

Yeah, he's a fun guy...

Cadence was old enough to actually say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" this year. We've also learned that she is a thief. One very nice couple gave out full candy bars. She grabbed two and put one in Cadences pumpkin bucket. Cadence took it upon herself to grab the other one, put it in her bucket as well and then walked away. The lady thought she was too cute to make her give it back. I have my suspicions that her daddy taught her that neat little trick!

"Mom will you make sure there are no needles in this piece?"

Most of the night she was a headless Elmo.


Anonymous said...

Cadence is just too cute. what was Matt? Jacqui should have been Marla hooch. i wish i was there to see the kids go out for Halloween.

redisgr8 said...

aww they look cute. makes me remember last year! The babies did not go trick or treating just ashley and she had not costume!! Next year will be diff though.

Anonymous said...

the best elmo is a headless elmo! heheh! jon was doing what matt did...until he changed his mind...he threw a bunch of wacky stuff together and said his halloween costume was "confused"...later i caught him and he had an indiana jones style hat on and a bunch of play swords, knives and a gun or two...i said, "baby boy, what ARE you?!?!" and he said "rogue demon hunter!" it was AWSOME and cheap!

thanks for sharing!