Saturday, August 19, 2006

Rogers City Mi

I'm still trying to post the pictures from our trip!

After spending time at my moms we went up to Rogers City Mi. Pork and Kathy rented a cabin at Grand Lake with Ann and Larry so we got to relax around the lake and the camp fire. We had a lot of fun with them. Cadence LOVED the water so much.
This was the Cabin at Grand Lake.

Baby Caders and her Daddy playing in the water!

Cadence was a little nervous about the beard at first but it didn't take too long before she warmed up to him!

Pork and Kathy - Matt used to call them "Dork and Castle"

Larry and Ann

1 comment:

redisgr8 said...

Wow it looks really nice on that lake. It was great that you two got to spend so much time with your friends and family.