Saturday, July 15, 2006

Mike and Teresa

The last two weeks it seems we've been lucky enough to see friends of ours that we haven't seen in years. Today we got to see the Kristeks! Ski and I met Mike in Japan. He was in Ski's shop. Since then Mike has gone on to do MSG duty (Marine Security Guard) When he was done with that he came back to the states, got married to Teresa (who is such a sweet and caring person!), changed MOS's and has spent most of the last year and a half over sea's in Iraq on two separate deployments.

He's one of those guys who has a good time no matter where he is!

Lets just say he's rather sick of hot weather and sand at this point.

Before he went on this last deployment he and his wife found out she was pregnant. She was 3 months pregnant when he left and they were so worried that he wouldn't make it home for the birth. However, 4 HOURS after he got off the plane his wife went into labor! Talk about good timing. They had a baby boy who they named "Michael Robert Kristek Jr" - he looks JUST LIKE his dad!!!

Congratulations you guys!!! He's beautiful! Hope you get some sleep soon!

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