It was a really fun weekend. Our plans to go to Sea World fell through because no one was ready on time. Instead we went to the beach. Well it was more like a Bay. We couldn't find anywhere to park at the actual beach so we went the ghetto way!
I was also able to drag Ski to a Shakespeare play called "A Midsummer Nights Dream" I am taking a class about ancient theatre and going to a play was one of the requirements. It was really good. Kind of hard to understand the words though - especially with Ski in my ear complaining about the fact that they didn't serve popcorn and "Who the hell talks like this anyway???" All I could do was just shake my head - man I love my husband.
Mike, Ski, Becky, and Tommy

SKi Mike and Matt playing frisbee

Tommy throwing Jacqui into the water.

Cader's got in the water too!

Here's a picture of the whole fam

hey... what's up Becky. i know you're new at this but you might as well click on over to Google Adsense to set up some advertisements for your site. you can also start tracking your visitors by going over to Google Analytics and sign up for an exclusive invite from them. it might take some time for the invites to come in but when they do you can start experimenting with site optimization. i know your site is pretty much just for fun now but you never know. ;-P
oh and one more thing. you spelled "piece" wrong at the top of your blog for the description.
and for women.. you might want to check out Blog Her
have fun... late.
Thanks Dave! I signed up for both of those just now and I'm definately going to check out Blog Her. Looks really cool!
was that eveybody likes mike?
Yep that is "Everyone Likes Mike..."
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