Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reogers City Reunion

This year Ski and I had to decide whether we were going to go to the Wisniewski Family Reunion or to the Festival in August because we couldn't do both. We decided to go to the Family Reunion! We haven't been to a reunion since the very first one.

The Wisniewski Family Tree

Bean Bag Tournament!

This year Pork, Kathy, Larry and Ann were in charge of putting on the show! They did a great job!

He took his job seriously...

The Ski's of North Carolina...

Below are just pictures from through out the day!

At the end of the day we had the Auction.

Before we started Aunt Vick read a really nice letter she had found from Busia.

The next generation of Wisniewski's!

Great job on the Reunion Pork, Kathy, Larry and Ann! It was a success and everyone had so much fun!

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