For Memorial Day, Ski went to Charlotte NC for the Nascar race, so it was just me and the kids for the weekend and we were invited to go down to South Carolina to see our good friend Darlene. It's been four years since I've been to Beaufort so of course I jumped at the chance to get away for a few days. However, that meant me, three kids and two dogs piled in my five passenger Stratus for a seven hour drive down there. After at least 4 stops to let the dogs out, K-Bar decided to pee on the floor of my car not 10 miles from her house. I could have cheerfully shot him!
Darlene is a great hostess and believe me when I say, if you go hungry when you are at her house it is your own fault!!!!

We enjoyed a long weekend of beautiful weather and lots of swimming!

They spent, at the very least, 6 hours outside! Can you tell they were having fun?

When I'm in Beaufort, it is always tradition to go get ice cream from Brewsters...

And then go feed the ducks...

But when your 11, ducks aren't at the top of your list of cool things to do so you just stand there and look bored.

When your 2 1/2 it's pretty cool to have a stare down and temp them with your ice cream!

I was also able to take the kids to Parris Island and show them where I went to bootcamp!!

Man, even though I was here 13 years ago, this sure did bring back a lot of memories!!! I was so proud when I finally figured out how to get to the top of that rope!

I can't tell you how many times I've PT'd on this field.

The Fourth Battalion barracks where I lived for 13 very long weeks!

It was a great weekend and I want to Thank Darlene for letting us come stay at her house - dogs and all! Can't wait till the 4th of July so we can come visit again!
Very cool... My Memorial day wasn't that memorable! I am working on that though...
I miss SC so bad. The kids and I will be leaving on Friday to head down there. Maybe we will see you during the 4th!
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