Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lyons Softball Team

Not only are we juggling baseball, but this year Jacqui is on the girls softball team so we have to also take her back and forth to practice and games. Here in North Carolina, it's starting to warm up but I will tell you - at night - it's cold. Very cold. Her first game Ski had to take Cadence and Matt to the car cause it was just too cold for them. My poor baby just didn't have a good game at all. She was freezing for one thing and because of that, she couldn't catch the ball to save her life. Then she wouldn't speak to me cause at 11 that is what you do when your mom tries to make you feel better.

This weekend, however, was a completely different story! It was a beautiful 80 degrees outside! Here she is walking out to second base.

Look how cool and collected she is out at second. It's like she's completely at home out there. I wish I looked this confident when I was 11! Actually I wish I looked this confident at 30!!

It amazes me still that children of mine - that I contributed half the DNA to - are so athletic.

Did I ever mention how much I LOVE to watch my kids play ball?

She has come a long way in her batting. No more stepping out of the box before the ball even leaves the pitchers hand!

At third - on her way home!!!!

She is sliding into home to score the first run of the game - which they won 10 to 3!!! It was a great game!

It's going to be a long but fun 7 weeks watching them do what they do best! Hopefully the rain won't cancel too many games for them! I also hope there are enough suckers at the snack bar to bribe Cadence with so that she'll sit still and let me watch all these games!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck to Jacqui... Good luck to you with the tweener.... Hopefully she won't give you too much grief... I hope the weather cooperates!!

I have said it before and I will say it again... There shouldn't be baseball until at least late May. April is too cold for baseball!