So, I went grocery shopping a few days ago and when I arrived home, this is what I found waiting for me!

My mail lady and I aren't on the best terms these days as you can tell. Something about how she delivered a prior residents mail to our house and we thought it was junk mail so we tossed it.
When I confronted her about the mailbox that sits lying on it's side the next day, she blamed me. Yep - it's our fault.
She doesn't like our mailbox because the lid falls down sometimes. Apparently when she pulled up, the lid was open and she hit it. But, she told me, she still opened her door, reached down and put our mail inside.
How big of her.
I don't know - call me crazy but...mailboxes don't just jump out in front of cars like that.
I measured our lid to the mailbox. It is 9 1/2 inches long. Does she really need to drive up THAT close to the mailbox.
So because she thinks our mailbox is faulty, she refuses to pay for the damage - especially because we refuse to pay for the damage on her car.
My landlord has been going back and forth with the post office about this for the last few days. They seem to just want to ignore the whole thing and hope that it goes away. In the meantime, my mailbox is duck taped back in place because we refuse to buy a new one and we hope she has even more trouble with it then before.
Yes my friends, this could only happen to us!