Matt on the other hand hasn't had it quite as easy. He genuinely enjoys going to school. All his teachers tell me how excited he is each day to be there and loves to learn. Science is his all time FAVORITE subject and he soaks up all the information that he possibly can in one lesson. But reading, it's always been a huge struggle my friends. When we got to California, all the kids in his first grade class were reading sentences. Matt could barely spell his name. I could go on and on about all the crying and screaming and tantrums we had over doing his homework that year. Every report card always said "Behind in Reading" and every single break they had at school, he would have to go to intersession because his reading level was so low. But over the past 3 years he has been doing better and better. I have found ways to gently correct him when he makes a mistake and we also found out that he can't see close up so his glasses helped him see the words more clear. Still, reading has just been one of his problem areas.
Well last Friday, Matt came home with a note home from school. He told me "It's not good mom!" So as I gave him the "What did you do now" look and started reading the card, a smile spread across his face...

HE DID IT!!!!!!
I'm so proud of my baby!!!! He finally made it to the level that he is supposed to be at!
Matt went on to tell me "I was on the fence mom! It could have gone either way." But it didn't - he's come along way since the first grade when he got here and all he could recognize was the word Matt.
Great job buddy! If anyone knows how hard you've worked to get to this point, it is me!
Matt went on to tell me "I was on the fence mom! It could have gone either way." But it didn't - he's come along way since the first grade when he got here and all he could recognize was the word Matt.
Great job buddy! If anyone knows how hard you've worked to get to this point, it is me!