Haven't really had a chance to update on the kids lately but they are doing good! Just the other night Jacqui was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society! They had a very nice ceremony at her school where each child being inducted was acknowledged and got a certificate. Then they talked a little bit about what it took to be part of the National Junior Honor Society like scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship for example. The very next day I got a call from little miss National Honor Society's teacher saying that she wouldn't stop talking or messing around and wasn't doing as she was told in class. So much for citizenship!!!!! Here are some pictures from the ceremony!
Matt is also doing well in school for the first time in a long time. We finally figured out what the problem was - he is dyslexic and now that we know, the help he gets has made a world of difference. His grades are A's and B's!!! That doesn't mean he's anymore organized though. Here he is after he fell asleep doing homework that he had a week and a half to do but didn't bother until the night before! Not sure why I've only taken one picture of Matt in the last month - it seems he's never around when I have the camera out! He and I have a plan to go to the skate park soon so I can get a few shots of him skate boarding - his new favorite hobby!