We had to split our Michigan trip up a little. When we got here we stayed in Warren for three and 1/2 days and then we went up to Rogers City and after a week up there we came back down to Warren for another 5 days. My dad gave us a little scare thinking he was having a heart attack but thank goodness he's fine. I think all he wanted was for my mom to make him a pork chop dinner at 11:00pm! At girls night Tam made the announcement that she and Scott are going to have another baby!!!!!! I'm so excited! First Noel and Bryan and now Tam and Scott. I keep telling Ski that if he wants to try to have a boy he needs to get to show rolling cause lord knows we aren't getting any younger and now is the perfect time so I can be pregnant with my cousin and my sister in law. I'm not having any luck with this plan. While I was home I also got to see my dads side of the family. It was JT's 19th birthday so we got to celebrate that with him for once. It was so good to see everyone again even if it did seem like we were constantly going from one place to another!
My dad the next day after he went to the hospital. How many ex-wives do you know that make pork chops late at night for their ex-husband???

My Aunt April, Aunt Dee Dee, and my mom.


Tam and her kids - Kyla, and Alex. Look at that pregnant glow. My mom called it a couple months ago but I thought she was just nuts.

Tam's husband Scott and the Caders. Congrats Scott on the new baby coming soon!

Grandma Mader with Uncle Jay, Uncle Jim, Dad and Aunt Tacy

Uncle Jim and Sara
JT on his 19th birthday with the jolly Rancher that his sister Sara carefully wrapped for him in about 5 bags.

Mom and Ski hanging out at the Mader get together.
1 comment:
ok so you got every one except your baby sister - nice
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