It will probably be a while before I am able to post again. We are in the middle of our move from California to Cherry Point North Carolina. It's been a fun trip so far. My dad drove with us most of the way until we got here in Indianapolis In. We drove for 29 hours straight the first leg. After we dropped off the kids with their dad for the summer we took our time and visited the Oklahoma City memorial of the Federal building. (We also got to see Guy and Amanda - he used to be stationed with Ski in Beaufort SC.) The next day we drove through Missouri and took a tour of the Meramec Caverns to see where Jesse James hid out. Tomorrow we are going to the Nascar race and then head on up to Warren to visit with my family. From there we are going to Rogers City to see Ski's dad and Kathy. After that we are going back to Warren to visit my family again before we drive to Ohio to see Ski's mom and that side of his family. I think we will get to North Carolina the end of August. Lets cross our fingers for housing to be available. I'm sorry if I don't get to answer anyones emails or messages for a while. We will only have internet sporadically through out the next month. Thanks to my sister in law Noel for bringing her laptop and letting me make an update. In the mean time, here are a few pictures of our trip so far!!!!
Jacqui won an award before we left for the "MOST" outstanding band student. Everyone else just got "outstanding"

Our white trash picnic - watching the portable DVD on a cooler and drinking Boons Farm out of dixie cups. It doesn't get any better then that!!!

Driving across country...

The Oklahoma City Federal Building memorial...

My dad and Ski in one of our many hotel rooms over the last week - always talking trash to each other.

The Meramec Caverns in Missouri

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