As fathers go, my kids are pretty lucky! They are the light of their daddy's life and although he doesn't like to admit it, he's a softy who lets them get away with EVERYTHING!!! I am lucky that he is so hands on and I just want to show everyone else how lucky I am to have him as the father (and stepfather) of my children!!!
Cherry Point had a Daddy/Daughter dance on base! I have to remember not to tell her about things like this too far in advance. She was sooo excited she asked everyday when her date with her daddy was going to be! Look how cute these too are!
Oh but wait! He got he a special necklace for her to wear when she dressed up and looked like a princess. Look how special he made her feel!
Best dad ever!!!
Look at the princess!
One of the Marines in Ski's shop does tattoo's. When Cadence was 3 weeks old we inked her footprints and he got them tattoo'd on her arm. When Chase was about the same age we did the same thing with his hand prints and here Ski is getting them done right under Caders footprints.
Cadence and Chase.
They know how to make a Hardcore Marine melt like butter.