It gets hot here in North Carolina and our neighbors bought this awesome slide for the kids to play on. As you can see there were a few backups and mishaps which resulted in a huge hole two weeks after they bought it. So the water slide was history early into the summer.
It gets hot here in North Carolina and our neighbors bought this awesome slide for the kids to play on. As you can see there were a few backups and mishaps which resulted in a huge hole two weeks after they bought it. So the water slide was history early into the summer.
For Christmas, I bought Ski a pull up bar that goes between the frame of the door in the house. But because my husband goes above and beyond with everything he does, he made a weekend project out of it and built a pull up bar on the side of our house. I was very proud of him cause he worked so hard on it and it turned out AWESOME!!!!
Here are the two proud workers after their project was finished.
Even I got up there for old time sake and tried to do the "flexed arm hang" like I did when I was in the Marine Corps. I used to be able to hang for 70 seconds. We won't go into how many seconds I can hang now.
From April until June Ski had to go to the Staff Academy and stayed in Camp Lejeune. He was able to come home on the weekends but it was still hard on Cadence because it was her first time away from her dad for a long period of time. In June he graduated...
For the fourth of July we went down to South Carolina to visit Darlene. Our friend Jen and her daughter Hannah came down for a visit also. Ski being the great guy that he is cut her lawn for her since he husband was in Iraq and did a bunch of yard work. This is how he got so filthy!
All I've heard about since he left Beaufort is that he misses his favorite sandwich place "Alvin Ord's" He finally got his chance to eat there and as you can see, he went all out with the LARGEST sandwich I've ever seen!
Ski babysat the kids and let us have a "girls night out!" We had so much fun and met a bunch of very interesting people!
Jacqui and Matt went to their dads for the summer so Cadence had no one to keep her out of trouble. One night she came in and climbed up on Ski looking like this...
For the last couple Augusts we've made a trip to Michigan. We share a cabin in Rogers City with Ski's dad and stepmom Kathy. This summer, Ski finally got to meet his new niece Celest Lynne. Cadence loved helping with the baby and playing with her.
Cadence at the Nautical Festival Parade. This year she was so excited when she realized that people on the floats were throwing Candy to her. It was like a dream come true. As this float passed us she kept telling me "My sister can do that!" That was all I heard all summer also - how her sister and brother could do everything. She missed them so much!
The annual picture of Caders and her dad at the parade together that he used to sit at and collect candy.
Oh the carnival. This girl had so much fun riding all the rides. Her dad didn't have a bad time either!!!
How I wish I could say he fell out of the boat right after this but unfortunately that isn't the case. It would have been a much cooler story if he had!
When the kids finally came home Cadence was SOOOOOO excited to see them. She didn't leave their side. Two days after they got home they started school. This is them on their first day. Matt is now in 5th grade!
Jacqui is now in middle school this year! 6th grade!!! It's so hard to believe we have made it to this milestone! Look how grown up she is!!!
My son, the sweetest little boy on the face of the earth, woke me up one Sunday to breakfast in bed. A bowl of cereal with apples surrounding it. He got himself a bowl and ate with me. How did I get so lucky???
Cadence's big news of the summer is her new bike that Dzja Dzja gave her. It is a big girl bike with training wheels!! She gets going so fast on that thing I'm just waiting for her to fall over! Check out the new shoes...straight out of the Wizard of Oz!!!!